I was beginning to get disappointed because a co-worker, Cynthia, who is 8 weeks further along than me (I'm at 20 weeks) brought me to her clinic specifically because they have better equipment to make a determination. When the ultrasound tech was taking a long time and continuing to say, "Que difĂcil," I was starting to wonder if today would be the day I'd find out.
Thankfully, Cynthia asked how sure he was and he said 90% - that's good enough for me! He said with girls he waits to see three lines to make a positive determination and he wasn't able to see that, but he also couldn't see a male organ, so it's most likely a girl. It'll be interesting to go to my regular doctor and see what he determines - I won't tell him that I already know, but when the guy says 90%, I take it as definite.
I called my mom first on her cell phone and then my sister. Our Skype connection wasn't the best, so I called them each back later when my dad was home and Madison and my brother-in-law had joined my sis, so the whole fam knows! My mom called my Grandma in California and her response was the best, as usual. She screamed and said, "It' a girl!" I love my grandma's reactions to everything - she's a spirited woman!
I'm not yet set on a name, but the one I'm leaning toward is Sienna Marie. My dad and Madison voted for Halle Marie, my mom Sienna or Sydney Marie and my sister Sienna Marie. I'm looking everywhere at names and would love to hear ideas from all of you!!